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Friday, August 16, 2013

In Loving Memory
Beverly Jane Stebbins

Born 1/30/1957
Died 8/13/2013

May you rest in eternal peace.You are missed.


After a long and arduous battle with ovarian cancer, my friend Beverly passed quietly on Tuesday, August 13th. I was fortunate to be able to spend the night and most of Tuesday at the hospital by her side. I did not want her only daughter Maggie to be alone when Bev slipped away.  Her grandmother and uncle arrived about 5ish and I said goodbye to them with the intent of returning home to shower and change before returning to spend the night. Unfortunately, Bev passed before I could return. Both Maggie and her grandmother held Bev's hands and talked her through the transition and allowed her to take her final breath knowing she was loved and would be missed.

Beverly was my rock when I was a single mom. She taught me how to be strong and a great mother when I doubted myself. I am happy that I was able to be there for her over the last several years. Some days were good, some not so good. The chemo, doctors visits and three times a week fluid infusions took a lot out of her, but never broke her spirit. I am thankful for her oldest friend Betty who took turns with me, taking her to her appointments as well as providing other support to her as well.

I am at peace with her passing but know at anytime the grief may blindside me. At least I am aware of it and will hopefully be ready for it when it comes. I have already picked up the phone to call her several times...

Maggie will be 21 next month and will be going off to complete her senior year at college. I know it will be difficult for her. A milestone birthday and her final year at school without her mom... I hope to continue to be part of her life. I have seen her grow from a small happy child, to a sometimes rebellious teen, into a beautiful and loving young woman. I intend to knit her a scarf and matching hat for the Winter out of the same yarn, since I purchased more than enough for the shawl. I hope to someday make her wedding dress should she choose to marry.

I pray that Beverly knows Maggie will be well taken care of by her brother and his wife, and also that both Betty and I will always have a place for her in our hearts and in our homes.

About a six or eight weeks ago, while I was helping her to go through her belongings she asked that I give the prayer shawl I made for her to my son. I was shocked and concerned that her own mother or Maggie would be upset. She insisted that she wanted Alex to have it to remember her by and know that she loved him like a son, just as I love Maggie as if she were my own daughter. It was in a bag to keep the cats from eating the fringe, plus it has been very warm here. He asked me to get it for him Tuesday evening, and has slept with it on his bed since her passing. The cats must know it is special since not one of the three has made any attempt to eat it or play with the fringe. (Knitting it with them around was a whole different ball game!)

Prayer Shawl for Beverly Stebbins, adapted from a design by Lisa Spivey


  1. What a tender, loving memorial for your sweet friend and a beautiful photo. She was blessed to have such a special friend in you too.

  2. Dee, it's Cathy. It's been 4 years and I'm thinking of Janie tonight. She would be so proud of Maggie, who married, just had a beautiful baby boy Theo, and is now preparing to go to medical school next Fall. All her dreams for Maggie have come true. I have to say I miss Janie very much still. I summon her memory with Dan and Lauren and Maggie often. I especially miss her on the holidays when she would show up with her arms full of gifts and food, and when I was helping Lauren to find a college.
    I hope to see you and your family again Deedee. We will summon her and laugh and cry together.

